{% macro alert(content, type="info", alert_header="Note", close_button=False) - %} {# type can be success, error (or danger), info. Defaults to a warning style. #}
{% if close_button - %} × {% - endif %} {% if alert_header - %}

{{ alert_header|safe }}

{% - endif %} {{ content|markdown|safe }}
{% - endmacro %} {# {% macro browsers(ok, not_ok) - %} {% for browser in ok %} {{ content|safe }} {% endfor %} {% for browser in ok %} {{ content|safe }} {% endfor %} {% - endmacro %} #} {% macro label(content, type='warning') - %} {{ content|safe }} {% - endmacro %} {% macro badge(content, type='warning') - %} {{ content|safe }} {% - endmacro %}